Home | Shop | Grasses & Wildflower Seed Mixtures | Collection of Seed Packets | Butterflies Seed Packet Collection

Butterflies Seed Packet Collection

Collection, Seed Packet

Collection of 10 Seed packets suitable planting for the Butterfly, Species List below

Packets may be substituted for another appropriate species if not available at the time of order

Total: £ 0.00

Common Name(s): Butterflies collection

SKU: NS-COL9 Categories: ,
NameLatin NameFlowersType
Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatusJune, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Devilsbit Scabious Succisa pratensisJune, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Field Scabious Knautia arvensisJune, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolataApril, May, June, JulyBiennial
Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosaJuly, August, SeptemberPerennial
Hemp Agrimony Eupatorium cannabinumJuly, August, SeptemberPerennial
Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulnerariaJune, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicariaJune, July, AugustPerennial
Red Valerian Centranthus ruberJuly, August, September, OctoberPerennial
Small Scabious Scabiosa columbariaJune, July, August, September, OctoberPerennial


Individual seed tray packets of the following:

Birdsfoot trefoil

Devilsbit scabious

Field scabious

Garlic mustard

Greater knapweed

Hemp agrimony

Kidney vetch

Purple loosestrife

Red valerian

Small scabious

Packets may be substituted for another appropriate species if not available at the time of order

Additional information

