Naturally grown wildflowers & plants
Discover our full collection of wildflower seeds and plants - all grown on our 40-acre farm in Nottinghamshire

Books, gifts & vouchers
Order the perfect gardening gift for the people you care about the most.
Give your loved one an extra special present that they can choose themselves or books to help their garden thrive!
At Naturescape, we have a selection of interesting, helpful books which give practical advice about achieving the best possible results from your UK wildflower seeds and plants.

We supply customers across the UK - we even supplied the 2012 Olympic Games!

Landscape Designers

Homeowners & Hobbyists

Maintenance & Gardeners

Shows & Exhibitors





Discover Naturescape - est. since 1978
We're the largest producer of British native wildflower seeds in the UK. Come & explore over 200 different species of native wildflowers.!
You can find us in the stunning countryside of Langar in Nottinghamshire. With approximately 200 different species of native UK wildflowers in 9cm pots, you'll be able to explore all that we have to offer - with cottage garden plants, roses and climbers and herbs!
Our beautiful wildflower centre is the perfect trip for families with an on-site children's play area, 2 wildlife ponds and a wildlife garden which is about 3 acres in size, with a further 40 acres of wildflower fields on site which are crops grown for our wildflower seed production.
We also have a beautiful tearoom where you can enjoy nature and then relax with a good pot of tea and a selection of fresh cakes and exquisite food.
Give them a gift that'll keep on giving for years to come!
Not sure what they'll love? We also have a range of gift vouchers available via our online shop.
Order a gift voucher
Enjoy nature with a good pot of tea and an exquisite collection of cakes.
The Tea Room serves a wide selection of homemade cakes and a variety of teas, coffees and other hot drinks. Ice creams and soft drinks are also available.
Visit Us
Need some help with growing your plants?
Visit our help centre to find out more about how to plant different types of wildflower species and get general guidance from passionate gardeners and experts.
Our Help Center