Also known as common tansy, bitter buttons, cow bitter, or golden buttons. The Latin word vulgare means “common”. The scent is similar to that of camphor with hints of rosemary. Tansy was used to treat intestinal worms, rheumatism, digestive problems, fevers, sores, and to bring out measles. Tansy was used as a face wash and was reported to lighten and purify the skin. In the 19th century, Irish folklore suggested that bathing in a solution of tansy and salts would cure joint pain. Tansy, a noxious weed, can be placed on window sills as a biological pest control to repel flies and is a well-known mosquito repellent; sprigs are placed in bed linen to drive away pests, and it has been used as an ant repellent. However, it does attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. Some traditional dyers use tansy to produce a golden-yellow colour. The yellow flowers are dried for use in floral arrangements.
Flowering early to late summer, the tansy plant is a great natural insect repellent and troublesome pest control plant that can grow 1 – 4 feet tall with a dense cover of flowers. When grown next to potatoes, it helps to keep the crop healthy.