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Spring Snowflake

Bulbs - Spring Planting

Leucojum vernum Moist ground in semi-shade preferred. Similar to Summer Snowflake, but as the name suggests it flowers earlier; from February to April, and has scented flowers. These bulbs were grown in the UK from cultivated stock. These will only be available for spring planting(February-April).


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Latin Name: Leucojum vernum

Common Name(s): Spring Snowflake

Plant Type: Perennial

Habitat: Moist Soil, Part Shade





Flowering Time:

February - April

SKU: NS-780 Categories: ,


The scientific name means ‘spring white violet’ (Leucojum means ‘white violet’ and vernum means ‘spring’). L. vernum is a widely cultivated, hardy, frost-tolerant plant, notable as a good early nectar and pollen source for bees. Flowers from February to April, and the seeds ripen in July. The flowers are hermaphrodite (having both male and female organs) and are pollinated by bees.

PDF: Planting Instructions Here

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