
9cm Pot, Seed Packet, Seeds (per gram), Superplugs, Wildflower Plugs

Achillea ptarmica Greyish leaves. Creamy white flower heads, rather yarrow like but larger.

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Latin Name: Achillea ptarmica

Common Name(s): Sneezewort

Plant Type: Perennial

Habitat: Moist Soil/Terrestrial Plant - Zone A, Sun





Flowering Time:

July - September

SKU: NS-MAIN-3012 Categories: ,


Common names for Sneezewort also include sneezeweed, bastard pellitory, European pellitory, fair-maid-of-France, goose tongue, sneezewort yarrow, wild pellitory, or white tansy. Sneezewort achillea has loose clusters of showy white, flower heads that bloom from June to August. Toothed leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. Sneezewort will also yield an essential oil that is used in herbal medicine to treat tooth and muscle aches and pains. The green leaves are used as an insect repellent. Can be poisonous to livestock and farm animals. This perennial wildflower can survive on little water but does prefer moist well-drained soils. Keep in full sun or partial shade.

Achillea ptarmica is part of a family of herbaceous perennials, as is closely related Yarrow.

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