White Water Lily (Alba)


Nymphaea alba. Large round floating leaves, lovely white cupped flowers. Likes still water and subtitle for larger ponds.

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Latin Name: Nymphaea alba

Common Name(s): White Water Lily

Plant Type: Perennial

Habitat: Floating-Leaved Rooting Plants - Zone D





Flowering Time:

June - August

SKU: NS-912 Categories: ,


Known as the European white water lily, white water rose or white nenuphar. This native water lily has gorgeous white flowers with protruding yellow stamens on a bed of green foliage that is a perfect host for amphibian wildlife. Young plants prefer shallow water with an initial planting depth of 12 – 18 inches, or 1ft to 1/2ft. Aquatic plants can be subjected to water lily aphid or beetle, which can be hard to manage as typical garden pest control products won’t be suitable. Instead, manage pests by wiping off if the leaves are in reach, however they will also bounce back if left to cope by themselves.

Nymphaea alba are native plants to the United Kingdom. The white flower with a yellow centre sits on the water surface providing shelter to frogs and is an early source of nectar for wildlife.

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