Wild Basil

9cm Pot, Seed Packet, Wildflower Plugs

Clinopodium vulgare Downy and faintly aromatic with whorls of pinkish purple, Good bee plant.

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Latin Name: Clinopodium vulgare

Common Name(s): Wild Basil

Plant Type: Perennial

Friendly For: Bees

Habitat: Part Shade, Sun


Pink, Purple



Flowering Time:

March - May

SKU: NS-MAIN-2463 Categories: , , , , , ,


The leaves of wild basil are used as an aromatic herb in the preparation of food dishes and to make a herbal tea, as a pleasant smelling plant Wild Basil was used during medieval times as a ‘strewing herb’. This means it would be scattered on the floor of homes so when it was walked upon and crushed it would release a nice aroma. They can also be used in the for both a brown and a yellow dye. It has been used traditionally in Bulgaria for the healing of wounds and has been shown to have anti-bacterial properties.

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Natural Dye




Plant Type



Friendly For