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Shepherd’s Purse

Known as shepherd’s purse because of its triangular flat fruits, which are purse-like, is a small annual and ruderal flowering plant in the mustard family. In England and Scotland, it was once commonly called ‘mother’s heart’, from which was derived a child’s game/trick of picking the seed pod, which then would burst and the child would be accused of ‘breaking his mother’s heart’.

Latin Name: Capsella bursa-pastoris

Common Name(s): Shepherd's Purse

Plant Type: Annual



Flowering Time:

May - August



This grass species is not normally available out of a seed mix but can be contract grown in plugs if required.

SaltySemanticSchmuck, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Additional information

Plant Type

Country of Origin


Flowering Time

May, June, July, August