NV8 Value Water’s Edge Meadow Mixture

Seed Mixture (Per kg)

A mix of 14 native wildflower species (NV8F) and 6 species of grass (NVG). The species in this mix will all tolerate flooding once established, and many would grow in the pond itself. Care must be taken to ensure sowings are given as much time as possible before flooding of the site occurs.

Mix is 80% Grasses to 20% Wildflowers by weight.

Sowing Rate: 5g per square metre, 20Kg per acre, 50kg per hectare

100 - 999.99kg
1000 - 9999.99kg
10000 - 99999.99kg
Enter quantity required in kg (e.g. 0.2)
Price is per kg
Total: £ 0.00

Common Name(s): NV8 Value Water's Edge Meadow Mixture

SKU: NS-COL131 Categories: ,


NV8Flowers species

Latin NameEnglish NameMix Composition
Angelica sylvestrisWild Angelica1.5%
Centaurea nigraCommon Knapweed16%
Filipendula ulmariaMeadowsweet18%
Geum rivaleWater Avens3%
Iris pseudacorusYellow Flag Iris23.5%
Juncus effususSoft Rush2%
Juncus inflexusHard Rush8%
Lathyrus pratensisMeadow Vetchling1.5%
Lotus pedunculatusGreater Birdsfoot Trefoil2%
Lychnis flos-cuculiRagged Robin2%
Lythrum salicariaPurple Loosestrife3%
Ranunculus acrisMeadow Buttercup16%
Succisa pratensisDevilsbit Scabious2%
Vicia craccaTufted Vetch1.5%
14 Wildflower species100%

NVGrass species

Latin NameEnglish NameMix Composition
Agrostis capillarisCommon Bent5%
Cynosurus cristatusCrested Dogstail15%
Festuca TrachyphyllaHard Fescue20%
Festuca rubra ssp. litoralisSlender Creeping Red Fescue20%
Festuca rubra ssp. rubraStrong Creeping Red Fescue20%
Poa pratensisSmooth Stalked Meadow Grass20%
6 Grass species100%

Additional information
