N6F Clay Soils Mix Flowers Only

Seed Mixture (Per kg)

A mix of 22 native wildflower species which are found on clay soils, which may retain water occasionally, yet dry out and crack open in the summer.

Mix is 100% Wildflower seed.

Sowing Rate: 2g per square metre, 8Kg per acre, 20kg per hectare

Not sure how much you need? Use our Seed Mix calculator

Seed Mix Calculator

Amount Required: 0.2kg

Why not enhance your seed mix?

Annual Wildflowers Plug Collection

NCA1 Cornfield Annuals

Price: £57.00/kg Qty Required: 0.2kg Minimum Charge: £3.99
Why not add a pop of colour and some extra interest for pollinators? includes: Corn Poppy, Cornflower, corn cockle, corn Marigold and Corn chamomile.
Total: £3.99
0.05 - 0.09kg
0.1 - 0.99kg
1 - 4.99kg
Enter quantity required in kg (e.g. 0.2)
Price is per kg
Total: £ 0.00

Common Name(s): N6F Clay Soils Mix Flowers Only

SKU: NS-COL89 Categories: ,
NameLatin NameQuantityFlowersType
Yarrow Achillea millefolium3%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Lesser Knapweed Centaurea nigra7%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Ladys Bedstraw Galium verum7%July, AugustPerennial
Meadow Cranesbill Geranium pratense2%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Field Scabious Knautia arvensis6%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Meadow Vetchling Lathyrus pratensis3%May, June, July, AugustPerennial
Rough Hawkbit Leontodon hispidus2%May, June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Oxeye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare7%June, July, AugustPerennial
Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus5%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Ragged Robin Silene flos-cuculi3%April, May, June, JulyPerennial
Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata6%April, May, June, July, AugustPerennial
Cowslip Primula veris3%April, MayPerennial
Self Heal Prunella vulgaris6%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris10%May, June, JulyPerennial
Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor7.5%May, June, JulyAnnual
Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa6%May, JunePerennial
Pepper Saxifrage Silaum silaus2%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Betony Betonica officinalis3%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Devilsbit Scabious Succisa pratensis2.5%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Goatsbeard Tragopogon pratensis2%June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Wild Red Clover Trifolium pratense4%May, June, July, August, SeptemberPerennial
Tufted Vetch Vicia cracca3%June, July, AugustClimber, Perennial


N6 Flowers species

Latin NameEnglish NameMix Composition
Achillea millefoliumYarrow3%
Centaurea nigraCommon Knapweed7%
Galium verumLady’s Bedstraw7%
Geranium pratenseMeadow Cranesbill2%
Knautia arvensisField Scabious6%
Lathyrus pratensisMeadow Vetchling3%
Leontodon hispidusRough Hawkbit2%
Leucanthemum vulgareOxeye Daisy7%
Lotus corniculatusBirdsfoot Trefoil5%
Lychnis flos-cuculiRagged Robin3%
Plantago lanceolataRibwort Plantain6%
Primula verisCowslip3%
Prunella vulgarisSelf Heal6%
Ranunculus acrisMeadow Buttercup10%
Rhinanthus minorYellow Rattle7.5%
Rumex acetosaCommon Sorrel6%
Silaum silausPepper Saxifrage2%
Stachys officinalisBetony3%
Succisa pratensisDevilsbit Scabious2.5%
Tragopogon pratensisGoatsbeard2%
Trifolium pratenseWild Red Clover4%
Vicia craccaTufted Vetch3%
22 Wildflower species100%

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