This grass species is not normally available out of a seed mix but can be contract grown in plugs if required.
Phil Sellens from East Sussex, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
It is usually found at ground level with small white and pink flowers. A vine that typically climbs to 1 metre. The vine produces woody rhizomes from which it resprouts in the spring, or when the aboveground vines are removed. Fruit are light brown, rounded and 3.2 mm wide. Each fruit contains 2 or 4 seeds that are eaten by birds and can remain viable in the soil for decades.
Latin Name: Convolvulus arvensis
Common Name(s): Field Bindweed
Plant Type: Climber, Perennial
This grass species is not normally available out of a seed mix but can be contract grown in plugs if required.
Phil Sellens from East Sussex, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons